Fill Your Cup

When was the last time you considered your soul set? We hear a lot about mindset but where is the soul of our lives?

We are more than our minds. We are our bodies, neurological pathways, muscles, hormones. We are everything beyond and life calls us forth to live from the soul.

Can you hear it quietly niggling at you to slow down? Maybe it is yelling for you to stop and rest?

When do we listen to the deeper yearning?

Soul and wellbeing call to us to carve out time in the day,s and weeks and come back home to our inner “Resting”. All the waking moments in our lives are filled with outside stimulus, comings and goings, demands and energy exchanges on our mind, body and spirit from the outside. It takes it’s toll. It fragments our energies and focus anc causes chemical imbalance that weakens our immune system.

We can take a the leap of faith and step away; put all that down. Maybe you turn of the radio, or the T.V?

Perhaps you turn off the phone, just an hour or so. Notice the difference in how you feel. Phones have a way of undermining our craving for boundaries, so we can rest without distraction.

We are so over stimulated and addicted to the triggers of dopamine (and cortisol) bursts in our brain, that turning all that off feels like a mini death and a plunge into boredom. So to get round tht reassure your (egoic) self that its just for half an hour or so. Try these things:
1. Turn of Phone

2. Listen to some uplifting music - move round the kitchen, bedroom or lounge. (No one is watching!)

3. Light a candle

4. Sit and focus on your body and your breath

5. Pracitice a simple meditation regularly

6. Go for a walk, without your phone

Taking small steps to get back in touch with the part of ourselves beyond the brain and linear doing mind is a proven way to reduce stress hormones.

Three minutes of intentional quiet breathing, you'll find yourself in a soothing space, connected to your own system of power and wisdom.

You'll very likely find that you want to increase it to 5 mins and ten minutes after practicing little bursts. Before you know it you'll be carving out 30 minutes meditation or some other kind of self soothing energy practice before putting the rest of the world first.

Quench the thirst in your heart. Fill your cup every day. Get comfy with silence so the wisdom inherent to this life can open your door and step in!

If self care is a struggle you reach out for support. Reach both ways - inside of yourself and ask to take someones hand, ask for someone to listen.

Over 70% of adults in the UK suffer with stress that has lead to depression and anxiety. At some point in the past year we have felt so stressed that we have felt overwhelmed and unable to cope. (Mental Health Foundation survey highlights that the percentage is even higher in women being a huge 81%). These are staggeringly high numbers.

#selfcare #nourish #heart #lovemore #meditate #comebacktoself #innerworld #innerknowing #fillyourcup #loveaffair #innerwisdom #stressmanagement #reducestress #breath #heartspace

Charlotte Jane Kessler