Wise Woman

When struggle or discord arrive, feelings of anxiety increase. When there is confusion on how to proceed or he way seems unclear, “the Wise Woman steps aside”.

This is an old Chinese saying and I love how it has served me over the years. It has helped many times especially in undoing the idea that thinking and action, will always make thing better. In our society, the message seems to say that we have to fix everything, by doing more. What this proverb says is that by doing less, more can release and find its own way.

Stepping aside holds so much integrity and power.
It allows the air to clear and the spaces in between to give way to shifting mindsets, disentangling energy threads and egos.

The Wise Woman steps aside and takes time for herself. By turning her attention away from the outer world she releases projections and lets the flow of life to sustain her own hearth.

She listens.

She acknowledges her feelings and the wisdom of her body. She invites patience and tolerance to float in and connect the dots of knowing with not knowing. Giving permission to the self to “not know” removes the chain of expectation and performance, allowing the freedom of choice and being to rein again.

It sounds so mystical to "listen to the body" but it is not that difficult and we do it all the time.

Through the breath and paying attention to ourselves we get to know ourselves more. This allows us to "read" the breath.

A good example is when we get a shock and suddenly inhale or hold our breath in. Conversely when we hear good news and feel relief then we exhale out!

So next time you feel beat down by life, scared or uncertain about what action to take, you could choose non-action. You will discover that this in itself IS an action; a calm and centring one that nourishes the self, restore the mind and also mental capacity.

It is a relief to really know that we can not and should fix everything. When the way is unclear, all the wise woman does is step aside.

Much Love


Charlotte Jane Kessler